Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chronologue of Bikes

I am not sure how many of you have keep tap of the bikes that you have ridden or at least your mountain bikes. Anyway, I have decided to put down mine since I have just looked back at the bikes that I used to own:

1) 1992 to 1994 - Marin Bolinas Ridge - Rigid Chromoly Straight Gauge with SR Suntour parts

2) 1994 to 1998 - Marin Eldridge Grade - Rigid Chromoly Double Butts with XT parts (Later Upgrade to Manitou 2) and Avid and Paul Component Parts)

3)1998 to 2003 - AMP Research B2 (First Full Suspension in my attempt)

4) 2003 to 2005 - Scott Pro Racing (Aluminium Hardtail)

5) 2007 - Ridley Cobra (Carbon Hardtail with Shimano XT and Disc Brake)

6) 2008 - 2009 - Tomac Automatic (Aluminium Full Suspension)

7) 2009 - 2010 - Tomac Carbide XC (Carbon Full Suspension)

8) 2011 - On-One Inbred (DN6 Chromoly Hardtail)

9) 2011 - Current - Pipedream Cycle Scion (Reynold 853 Chromoly Hardtail)

Guess, I did not go through too much bike in the span of close to 20 years of riding mountain bike after all. But I guess, I have kind of coming full circle. Started with Chromoly and now back to riding one again. I must say this love affair with the metal on two wheels have bring along not just the fun, pain and sure pleasure but also other more inward benefits.

Life on two wheels brought along the friendship forged that lasted and also a great perspective of the preciousness of life. It draws one closer in the spiritual sense of the surrounding environment and the importance of safeguarding those thoughts and gifts.

A bike is not just a bike but the personification of the owner and his love for the cycling and his appreciation of life.

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