Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have long been toying the thoughts for the last few months about Ironman Langkawi. I have not be able to hit the desire mileage in my training and to be honest, somehow I find training becoming a toll.

What makes things worse is that my training buddy is not going for the race or should I say pulled out of the race due to an injury. So, I was left to look for accommodation and flight to the place. Now the decision is very clear to me. I have an unfinished business in Singapore and that is the Mountain Bike 100km Marathon on the same day of Ironman.

I decided to switch my attention and focus to my trusted Tomac Automatic Mountain Bike. I need to get my Mountain Biking all up....so wish me luck as I tackle the race.

1 comment:

-ben said...

Oei! Race cut short again!

How ar?

Weak da!

I think it should be called Excuses 100, hor?
