An Adventurous Journey of Self-discovery...
...For this tiny but Mad Fish...
...Things just get more fun when... show and tell with your fingers...
Ever since I am back in Singapore, I have been working really seriously about my race steed. Why? Coz I spend the last 1 month just to be stronger on my bike. I have been able to maintain a steady 35kmh to 40kmh comfortably. So, I need to go faster for the race day and at the same time to save my leg for the 21km run.
So What did I do?
Check This Out:
The Specification:
The Blackwell Research 50mm Carbon Clincher Wheels
I know this had been long overdue but I guess if I don't put it down I will definitely forget totally about it.
Final Week Reflection:
I haven't been so overwhelmed for a while, but this is the week that I reflect and realised that God has been really speaking to me about issues that I have been escaping.
1) What is the purpose of my life? 2) What is my current state spiritually? 3) Who is God to me?
The Verdict
Well, I had forgotten to thank Him for who I am and I have forgotten to could my blessings and my purpose, I am kinda lost. I have no direction, I have forgotten my main purpose and that is to outreach to people and make disciples that I have totally forgot and I am not making any apology about spiritual word and statement here. I am first a Christian, a Child of God before anything else. I have a mission and that is to make disciples. Where is my Brother? I have to face it, for so many years that I have forgotten about that. I need to get back to it. Passionate of it!
Go back to Singapore and Start doing what I have left behind and not let work overwhelmed me. I need to start getting back into Ministry work and not allowing the blessings of skills gone to waste! I need to make a comeback and draw on His strength to pull me through. I need to keep the spiritual throttle on!